Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's Get Started

I am currently working on a manual to help guide each of us in developing our individual personas. Hopefully by the end of summer I will be able to provide you with a printed copy. In the meantime I am going to try and post at least bi-weekly a part of each section. There will be much more info in the final version (maybe even pictures for those who don’t read so well), so don’t think this is all the options you have in the various areas covered.
One item not relating to this week’s topic that I would like to address: We will, as a standard, each maintain a RED Bag to carry any medications, contacts, etc. in. This will allow us and any event staff to easily identify it as containing necessary 21st century items.

This week’s topic is “HEADS and TOES.”

For your head you will be required to have two types of headgear, our Co’y tricorn and bonnet.
The tricorn should be black (without white tape), but other colors and tricorns with the tape will be accepted. A full-size Spanish Alliance cockade will be attached to the tricorn. The tricorn will be worn in garrison type environments in the spring and summer.
The bonnet, of the Scottish variety, can be the color of your choosing either green or blue. A miniature Spanish Alliance cockade will be attached to the bonnet. The bonnet will be worn in garrison environments in fall and winter.
The Spanish Alliance cockades will be provided and attached by the Captain. I will discuss other forms of headgear which will be able to be worn on occasion in the final printed version, i.e. round, jockey, voyager, etc.

As with hats there are multiple options for your feet. I will also go over in short the options for leggings and stockings.
Shoes – Moccasins or buckled shoes. Buy the center seam variety when purchasing moccasins. Your buckled shoes will have the buckles on when in garrison or attending a social event such as Yule Tide. At other times you can remove the buckles and use laces to tie them up. This being said, if you are just starting and have a pair of brogans you may use those until you get your “buckles.” If you want to portray a really affluent persona or are going to be mounted you can wear the 18th century style riding boot.
Leggings – You will need to eventually invest in two types of leggings at a minimum. First for spring/summer environments buy a pair of canvas leggings. For fall/winter it is recommended to purchase a set of wool leggings. Also it is recommended that when possible you invest in a pair of leather leggings.
Stockings – I recommend a pair of heavier type stockings such as Lindsey-Woolsey or even wool for winter. Color and material is a personal preference but remember the cotton ones will be thin.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4 July celebration at Manskers

Today the Sevier boys attended festivities at Manskers Station to celebrate our Nation's birthday. It was a long week's march from our station but worth the trip. The Captain and Sergeant Mund gave us a quick drill to ensure our smoke poles would still spark and we were able to fire a few loads.

We had the opportunity to discuss personas with a few who have been ranging a little longer than we have. We were given some good advice. We listened to speeches, some better than others, and ate BBQ. I apologize for the lack of pictures but I couldn't find my camera and I only got one pic with my phone.

As some of you know, I am pursuing a Masters Degree in Colonial American Military History. I am going to attempt to put together a paper on what the southern colonial ranger would have looked like to include equipment. Notice I put "southern" as I figure it is quite easy for us to research Roger's, Butler's, or Gorham's Rangers. Now I am no expert and never will be, but you can piece together what you may have heard today and what I will write, some stuff will match, and build YOUR persona from there. Personally I'd say we've gotten off to a great start...and we can transform to cover more than one group or area of the country.